
Thoughts on Digital Licensing and Beyond

July 2024 Status Update

Jul 3, 2024 Mike-E-angelo 2 min read
Categories: business technology
It'’s the first Tuesday (or Wednesday 😊) of the month. That means it’s time for the latest status update for! 🎨🚀✨ New Publishing Wizard Development Continues This is a shorter update, as really there has only been one item of interest to report on this past month: the New Publishing Wizard. 🧙‍♂️ I continue to develop the next version of the publishing model, which includes the New Publishing Wizard. This is a step-by-step wizard that guides the artist through the publishing process, and is a re-write for the entire previous experience. Continue reading

June 2024 Status Update

Jun 5, 2024 Mike-E-angelo 3 min read
It’s the first week of the month, that means it’s time for a status update here on! ✨’s Marketplace is 2 Years Old 🚀 Can you believe it’s already been two full years since I opened’s doors to the public with the first product release of my work, Cause? 🤯 I made seven sales that day and it was quite the event for me. Of course, after this not much happened for some time. Continue reading

May 2024 Status Update

May 7, 2024 Mike-E-angelo 5 min read
Categories: business technology
It’s the first week of the month. This means the latest monthly status update here at ✨🚀 Accepted in LEAP’s Fund Your Acceleration Cohort #4 I am happy to announce that has been accepted into LEAP’s Fund Your Acceleration Cohort #4. This is a local program here in Lansing, funded by the state of Michigan. The program provides grants to pay for qualified services ranging from legal to marketing. Continue reading

April 2024 Status Update

Apr 3, 2024 Mike-E-angelo 2 min read
Categories: business technology life etc
It’s the first week of the month here at This means the latest monthly status update. ✨🚀 v1.1 Released I was finally able to deploy v1.1 last month, which includes all sorts of quality updates to v1.0. With that release I finally caught up with all the technical debt I had been enduring and battling for the past few months. I am so glad that is over and I am able to finally get back to feature development. Continue reading

March 2024 Status Update

Mar 5, 2024 Mike-E-angelo 3 min read
Categories: business technology etc
It’s the first week of the month, and that historically means it’s time for our monthly status update here on! 🚀 Back on Schedule-ish I say historically as last month was a bit of an outlier. We’re back to the first week of the month here with our cadence, and what I have been doing is filming the standup on Tuesday and then writing the blog posts on the following day. Continue reading

February 2024 Status Update

Feb 21, 2024 Mike-E-angelo 3 min read
Categories: business technology
Two Years Since Preview Announcement From the better late than never file, this update is a little behind this month. 😊😇 I have been busy working on our new environment and configurations for v1.0. With all the activity and effort to make this happen, I decided to round out the delay to this week as it signifies a full two years since announcing the preview on February 22, 2022. Difficult to believe and accept that this is the case! Continue reading

January 2024 Status Update

Jan 3, 2024 Mike-E-angelo 3 min read
Categories: business technology etc
It’s the first week of the month, it is time for a monthly status update! 🚀 Happy New Year 🎉 Happy New Year out there to all! I hope this new year finds you healthy and that 2024 will be a prosperous year for us all. 🙏👍 Microsoft for Startups Level 4 I am happy to announce that we have been accepted into the fourth and final level of the Microsoft for Startups program. Continue reading

October 2023 Status Update

Oct 3, 2023 Mike-E-angelo 3 min read
Categories: art technology
Welcome to Beta II Welcome to the second beta of This is a quality-based beta with certain key support features. Email Address Policy We now require email addresses for accounts. If you have an existing account and have already added+confirmed an email address, this has been automatically done for you. Otherwise, you will get a prompt to provide and verify an email address. New accounts will also be prompted. Continue reading

August 2023 Status Update

Aug 1, 2023 Mike-E-angelo 3 min read
Categories: business technology
Believe it or not, we are in the first week of the month, which means the latest Status Update! 🚀 Welcome to Beta I At long last, after nearly four years of development, we are now official in beta quality. Truth be told, we probably have been in beta quality for quite some time now. Based on feedback from several members, I have made the switch to get this officially acknowledged recognized. Continue reading

July 2023 Status Update

Jul 5, 2023 Mike-E-angelo 2 min read
Categories: business technology life etc
It is the first week of the month which means it’s time for the monthly update! Usually this occurs on a Tuesday, but since we were celebrating our nation’s birthday yesterday it felt a little unpatriotic to do such an activity. So today it is! 1.6K Flares of Volume in June, 54% More than May Last month I felt like tempting fate by announcing how much volume we did for the month. Continue reading
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